Discover top Ansible tips and tricks, interesting facts, and hacks to enhance your automation projects, ensuring security, efficiency, and modularity with Ansible Secure best practices.

Master Ansible: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks for Secure and Efficient Automation

  • Last Modified: 06 Apr, 2023

Managing IT infrastructure is a complex, time-consuming task. Ansible, a powerful automation tool, has become an indispensable resource for system administrators and DevOps engineers. Its simplicity and flexibility can be a game-changer in your daily workflow. This article will reveal nine clever Ansible hacks that will help you work smarter, save time, and optimize your configuration management. Say goodbye to manual tasks and hello to a more efficient, streamlined process!

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Managing IT infrastructure is a complex, time-consuming task. Ansible, a powerful automation tool, has become an indispensable resource for system administrators and DevOps engineers. Its simplicity and flexibility can be a game-changer in your daily workflow. This article will reveal nine clever Ansible hacks that will help you work smarter, save time, and optimize your configuration management. Say goodbye to manual tasks and hello to a more efficient, streamlined process!

When I started exploring Ansible, I was simply looking for a way to automate my infrastructure management. But like any good technology journey, it turned into something much more exciting – a thrilling adventure filled with tips, tricks, and hacks that made my automation more efficient and secure.

Secure Sensitive Data with ansible-vault

Ansible Vault is a powerful tool that secures sensitive data in your Ansible playbooks. In today’s world of data breaches and cyber-attacks, it’s crucial to safeguard your sensitive information. Ansible Vault offers a practical and effective solution to this problem.

As a wise man once said, “with great power comes great responsibility.” And, with the power of automation in your hands, it’s crucial to secure your sensitive data. Enter ansible-vault, your new best friend. It’s like a digital Fort Knox for your secrets, keeping them safe from prying eyes.

You see, my buddy Dave had a project where he needed to automate the deployment of a web app. He had to manage sensitive data like API keys and database credentials. He thought he was being clever by storing them in plain text, but I told him it was like leaving his house keys under the doormat.

That’s when I introduced him to ansible-vault. With ansible-vault, you can encrypt sensitive data and only decrypt it during playbook execution. It’s as easy as pie, and much more secure!

Eye tracking technology abstract concept

Ansible Vault is a feature within the Ansible automation tool that enables users to encrypt sensitive data within their Ansible playbooks, such as passwords, API keys, and certificates. This encryption ensures unauthorized users cannot access the data while allowing authorized users to use it in their automation tasks seamlessly. Let’s take a look at an ansible-vault example. First, you’ll want to install Ansible, if you haven’t already. You can find a handy guide on how to install ansible

Interesting Fact: Ansible, the parent tool of Ansible Vault, was created in 2012 by Michael DeHaan, who is also known for his contributions to the Cobbler and Func projects.

Ansible-vault is a command-line tool with Ansible that allows you to encrypt and decrypt files. You can encrypt a file using the ansible-vault encrypt command. If you have a file called secrets.yml that contains sensitive data, you can encrypt the file using the following command:

Next, create a new vault file by running ansible-vault create vault.yml. You’ll be prompted for a password, and then you can add your secrets to the vault file. Don’t worry, ansible-vault has your back

Now, let’s say you have an ansible shell example in your playbook that needs access to the secret data. You can import the vault file like this:

ansible-vault encrypt secrets.yml

How does Ansible Vault work?

Ansible Vault uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with a 256-bit key length to encrypt data. The encrypted data can only be decrypted using a password provided through the command line or stored in a password file.

Steps to use Ansible Vault

To use Ansible Vault, follow these steps:

  • Install Ansible: To use Ansible Vault, you must first install Ansible on your system. You can install it using package managers like apt, yum, or pip.

  • Create a Vault-encrypted file: To create a new encrypted file, use the command ansible-vault create <filename>. You will be prompted to enter a password for the file.

  • Edit an encrypted file: To edit an encrypted file, use the command ansible-vault edit <filename>. You will need to provide the password to access the file.

  • Encrypt an existing file: To encrypt an existing file, use the command ansible-vault encrypt <filename>. You will be prompted to enter a password for the file.

  • Decrypt an encrypted file: To decrypt an encrypted file, use the command ansible-vault decrypt <filename>. You will need to provide the password to access the file.

Tips to enhance security using Ansible Vault

To further strengthen the security of your sensitive data, consider these suggestions:

  • Use strong passwords: Choose complex passwords with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • Rotate passwords: Regularly change your Ansible Vault passwords to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Store passwords securely: Use a password manager or a secure method to store your Ansible Vault passwords.

  • Limit access: Restrict access to only authorized users to your Ansible playbooks and Vault-encrypted files.

  • Monitor activity: Regularly audit the access and usage of your Ansible Vault-encrypted files to detect any suspicious activity.

Ansible Vault provides a robust solution for securing sensitive data in your Ansible playbooks. Following the steps outlined in this article and implementing the security suggestions, you can effectively protect your sensitive information from unauthorized access. With Ansible Vault, you can have peace of mind knowing your valuable data is safe and secure.

Read more:

2. Use Templates for Configuration Files

Picture this: You’re at a party, and a friend comes up to you and says, “Hey, I’ve been working on this DevOps project, and I need to manage a bunch of configuration files. It’s driving me crazy! Can you help?” Naturally, you reply, “Of course! Have you heard about using templates in Ansible?”

Templates in Ansible are essential for managing configuration files across multiple environments. This article will explain why templates are a best practice, provide some interesting facts, and share Ansible tips and tricks to help you leverage templates effectively.

If you need to generate configuration files from templates, Ansible’s template module is just what you need. The template module takes a source template file and generates a destination file by replacing variables in the source template with values supplied by Ansible. For example, if you have a Jinja2 template named nginx.conf.j2, you can use the following Ansible task to generate an Nginx configuration file:

    - name: Generate Nginx configuration file
      	src: nginx.conf.j2
        dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Why Use Templates for Configuration Files?

You see, templates are an elegant solution to managing configuration files, especially when you’re dealing with multiple environments, like staging and production. Templates provide a flexible way to generate configuration files based on variables, making your DevOps life so much easier.

As the old saying goes,

“Give a person a static configuration file, and you solve their problem for a day. Teach them to use Ansible templates, and you solve their problem for a lifetime.”

Using templates for configuration files in Ansible has several benefits:

  • Consistency: Templates ensure that configuration files maintain a consistent structure across different environments.
  • Reusability: Templates enable you to reuse code and reduce duplication.
  • Scalability: Templates make it easy to manage configurations as your infrastructure grows.
  • Maintainability: Templates simplify the process of updating configurations by centralizing changes.

Jinja2: The Template Engine for Ansible

In the world of Ansible, Jinja2 is the template engine of choice. It’s like the secret sauce that makes your templates shine. Jinja2 allows you to define placeholders and control structures within your templates, making it easy to generate configuration files dynamically. Check out the official Jinja2 documentation to learn more about this powerful template engine.

Jinja2 is the template engine used by Ansible. It’s a powerful, fast, easy-to-learn template language supporting complex expressions, filters, and loops.

Interesting Fact: Jinja2 was created by Armin Ronacher, who is also known for his contributions to the Flask web framework.

Steps to Create and Use Ansible Templates

To create and use templates in Ansible, follow these steps:

  • Install Ansible: Ensure you have Ansible installed on your system. You can install it using package managers like apt, yum, or pip.

  • Create a Jinja2 template: Create a file with the “.j2” extension containing your configuration file template. Use Jinja2 syntax for variables, loops, and conditions.

  • Use the “template” module: In your Ansible playbook, use the “template” module to specify the source template file and the destination path for the rendered configuration file.

Top Ansible Hacks for Working with Templates

To make the most of your Ansible templates, follow these Ansible tips and tricks:

  • Use Ansible facts: Leverage built-in Ansible facts to dynamically populate your templates with information about the target system.

  • Utilize Jinja2 filters: Apply Jinja2 filters to transform variables and manipulate data within your templates.

  • Group variables: Organize variables in Ansible inventory groups to simplify template management and improve reusability.

  • Test your templates: Use tools like “ansible-lint” and “ansible-playbook –check” to verify your templates and catch errors before deployment.

  • Version control: Store your templates and playbooks in a version control system, like Git, to track changes and collaborate with your team.

Using templates for configuration files in Ansible is a powerful and effective way to maintain consistency, reusability, and scalability across your infrastructure. By following the steps and tips in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to harness the full potential of Ansible templates. As you continue to explore Ansible hacks and refine your Ansible secure practices, you’ll become a true Ansible expert, ready to tackle any automation challenge that comes your way.

Read More:

3. Use Roles for Reusable Playbooks

Picture this: You and your friend are chilling at your favorite coffee shop, and they can’t stop talking about their latest DevOps project. They’ve got playbooks scattered all over the place and feel like they’re drowning in code. Then, with a twinkle in your eye, you lean in and say, “Have you tried using Ansible roles?”

Ansible roles are reusable playbooks that can provision and configure servers. Roles are organized into directories containing all the necessary files for the role, including tasks, handlers, templates, vars, and defaults. Roles can be used to provision servers with the necessary software and configurations for a specific application or service. For example, if you need to provision and configure an NGINX server, you could create an NGINX role with all of the necessary tasks, templates, and vars required to provision and configure NGINX on a server.

Why Use Roles for Reusable Playbooks?

Ansible roles are like the superheroes of the DevOps world. They swoop in to save the day by providing a clean, reusable, and scalable way to manage your playbooks. Instead of having one enormous playbook with everything thrown in, you can break it down into smaller, more manageable roles, each focused on a specific task.

Think of roles as the Lego blocks of your Ansible playbooks. You can mix and match them, build on top of them, and reuse them in different projects. As the wise Confucius once said, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” The same applies to your playbooks!

Using roles for reusable playbooks in Ansible offers several other advantages:

  • Modularity: Roles break down complex playbooks into smaller, more manageable components.
  • Reusability: Roles can be shared across multiple playbooks and projects.
  • Maintainability: Roles centralize code, making it easier to update and maintain.
  • Collaboration: Roles facilitate collaboration between team members working on different aspects of a project.

Understanding Ansible Roles Structure

Before we dive into creating roles, let’s take a moment to understand their structure. An Ansible role is organized into a specific directory structure, with each folder serving a particular purpose. Here’s a high-level overview:

    defaults/          # Default variables
    files/             # Static files to be used by the role
    handlers/          # Handlers (like restarting a service)
    meta/              # Metadata about the role
    tasks/             # The main list of tasks
    templates/         # Jinja2 templates
    vars/              # Role-specific variables

This structure helps to keep your role organized and easy to understand, which is essential when you’re working with large projects or collaborating with a team.

An Ansible role is a predefined directory structure containing various components, such as:

Main list of tasks to be executed. Tasks are the fundamental units of work in Ansible. Each task represents an action to be performed on the target hosts, such as installing packages or creating files. Tasks are defined using modules, which provide a library of reusable, pre-built actions.
  - name: Ensure NTP is installed
      name: ntp
      state: present
Tasks that respond to notifications. Handlers are special tasks that are triggered by the "notify" directive in other tasks. Handlers are only executed if the notifying task reports a change, ensuring idempotent and efficient behavior. Example:
  - name: restart apache
      name: httpd
      state: restarted
Files to be deployed. The "files" directory within a role contains static files that can be deployed to target hosts using the "copy" module. These files are typically configuration files or scripts that don't require dynamic content. Example:
  - name: Copy static configuration file
      src: files/my_config.conf
      dest: /etc/my_app/my_config.conf
Jinja2 templates for dynamic configuration files. The "templates" directory within a role contains Jinja2 templates that can be rendered with dynamic content and deployed to target hosts using the "template" module. This is useful for configuration files that require host-specific or variable-driven content. Example:
  - name: Deploy dynamic configuration file
      src: templates/my_config.j2
      dest: /etc/my_app/my_config.conf
Role-specific variables. The "vars" directory within a role contains YAML files defining role-specific variables. These variables have a higher precedence than "defaults" and are typically used for configuration settings that should not be easily overridden. Example (vars/main.yml):
app_name: my_app
app_port: 8080
Default variables with low precedence. The "defaults" directory within a role contains YAML files defining default variables with the lowest precedence. These variables are typically used for configuration settings that users can easily override. Example (defaults/main.yml):
app_name: default_app
app_port: 80
Role metadata, including dependencies and platform compatibility. The "meta" directory within a role contains a "main.yml" file that defines role metadata, such as role dependencies, author information, and platform compatibility. This information is used by Ansible Galaxy, the community repository for sharing roles. Example (meta/main.yml):
  author: Your Name
  description: Role for configuring my_app
    - name: EL
        - 7
        - 8
  min_ansible_version: 2.9

  - role: common
    app_name: "{{ app_name }}"

Steps to Create and Use Ansible Roles

Now that you’ve got a handle on the structure, let’s explore how to create and use Ansible roles. It’s as easy as riding a bike – once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without them!

To create and use roles in Ansible, follow these steps:

  • Install Ansible: Ensure Ansible is installed on your system. You can install it using package managers like apt, yum, or pip.
  • Create a role: Use the ansible-galaxy init <role_name> command to create a new role with the predefined directory structure.
  • Populate role components: Add tasks, handlers, files, templates, variables, and metadata to the appropriate directories within your role.
  • Use the role in a playbook: Use the “roles” keyword to include the role you’ve created in your playbook.

Top Ansible Hacks for Working with Roles

To optimize your use of Ansible roles, follow these Ansible tips and tricks:

  • Use Ansible Galaxy: Leverage the Ansible Galaxy platform to find, share, and reuse community-contributed roles.
  • Organize roles with tags: Use tags to categorize tasks within roles, allowing you to run specific subsets of tasks as needed.
  • Conditional role execution: Use the “when” keyword to execute roles based on variables or system facts conditionally.
  • Role dependencies: Define dependencies between roles using the “dependencies” keyword in the role’s meta directory.
  • Test your roles: Use tools like “molecule” and “ansible-test” to test your roles and ensure they function correctly across different environments.

Using roles for reusable playbooks in Ansible is a powerful way to streamline your automation projects and improve maintainability, modularity, and collaboration. By following the steps and tips in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of Ansible roles. As you continue to explore Ansible hacks and refine your safe practices, you’ll become a true Ansible expert, ready to tackle any automation challenge confidently.

4. Use Conditionals for Flexibility

Imagine you’re having a casual chat with your friend, and they mention their struggle with managing complex Ansible playbooks. They need a way to adapt their playbooks to different situations, like a chameleon blending into its surroundings. That’s when you excitedly tell them about the power of using conditionals in Ansible!

Conditionals are used in Ansible playbooks to control what tasks are run based on certain conditions being met. This can be useful when you need jobs to run only on specific hosts or when certain variables are defined. For example, if you only want specific tasks to run on web servers, you could use the following condition:

    name: This task only runs on web servers
    command: /some/command  	 					# Some command that should only run on web servers
    when: hostvars['group_name'] == 'web servers'  	# Replace group_name with actual group name
    delegate_to: localhost   						# This task needs to be run on localhost so we have access to hostvars variable
    notify: some_handler   # Some handler that should also only run on web servers
    tags: always     # This task should always run regardless of whether or not it's idempotent
    - name: This task also only runs on web servers ... etc ...

Why Use Conditionals for Flexibility?

Conditionals are the secret sauce that adds flexibility to your Ansible playbooks. Just like a choose-your-own-adventure book, conditionals allow your playbooks to take different paths based on specific conditions. They’re essential when you need to handle various environments, configurations, or application states.

As the great Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”

Conditionals help your playbooks navigate those forks gracefully, adapting to whatever situation they encounter.

Using conditionals for flexibility in Ansible offers several benefits:

  • Adaptability: Conditionals enable your playbooks to adapt to different environments and system configurations.
  • Efficiency: Conditionals ensure that tasks are executed only when necessary, saving time and resources.
  • Error handling: Conditionals allow you to gracefully handle errors and unexpected situations.
  • Maintainability: Conditionals make your playbooks more readable and easier to maintain.

Types of Conditionals in Ansible

Ansible supports several types of conditionals, including:

  • Basic conditionals: Use the “when” keyword to define simple conditions based on variable values or system facts.
  • Loops and conditionals: Combine loops with conditionals to execute tasks iteratively with dynamic conditions.
  • Failed, changed, and skipped task statuses: Use conditionals to react to the outcome of previous tasks.
  • Blocks and conditionals: Group multiple tasks using the “block” keyword with a single conditional.

Steps to Use Conditionals in Ansible Playbooks

To use conditionals in Ansible playbooks, follow these steps:

  • Define variables: Define variables in your playbook or inventory file to use in your conditionals.
  • Use the “when” keyword: In your tasks, handlers, or blocks, use the “when” keyword followed by a conditional expression.
  • Test your playbooks: Run your playbooks using the “ansible-playbook” command to ensure your conditionals are functioning correctly.

Top Ansible Hacks for Working with Conditionals

To maximize the effectiveness of conditionals in Ansible, follow these Ansible tips and tricks:

  • Use Jinja2 filters: Leverage Jinja2 filters to manipulate variables and data within your conditional expressions.
  • Combine multiple conditions: Use logical operators like “and,” “or”, and “not” to create complex conditional expressions.
  • Register variables: Use the “register” keyword to store the output of a task, which can then be used in subsequent conditionals.
  • Conditional imports and includes: Use conditionals with the “import_tasks” and “include_tasks” keywords to dynamically include external task files based on conditions.
  • Debugging conditionals: Use the “debug” module with conditionals to display information and troubleshoot issues during playbook execution.

Using conditionals for flexibility in Ansible is a powerful way to create adaptive and efficient automation tasks. By following the steps and tips provided in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to harness the full potential of Ansible conditionals. As you continue to explore Ansible hacks and refine your Ansible secure practices, you’ll become a true Ansible expert, ready to tackle any automation challenge with confidence.

5 . Use Handlers for Idempotence

You’re hanging out with your buddy, reminiscing about the good old days when you were learning Ansible. They share a story about how they accidentally restarted a server multiple times, causing a mini-meltdown in their team. You chuckle and say, “Sounds like you could’ve used handlers!”

Handlers are particular tasks that are only run when notified by other tasks (usually when the state of a service has changed). Handlers are typically used for restarting services or reloading configurations when notified by other tasks that have changed files related to those services or configurations (e .g., config files, systemd unit files, etc.).

Handlers can be used to ensure the idempotence of tasks that notify them. For example, suppose you have a task that copies a new Nginx configuration file into place but also notifies an Nginx handler which will restart Nginx. In that case, this task will only restart Nginx when the new configuration file differs from the existing one. If the new configuration file is identical to the existing one, no changes will be made, and nginx will not be restarted. This ensures the idempotence of the task because it will only make changes when necessary.

Why Use Handlers for Idempotence?

Handlers are the unsung heroes of Ansible, ensuring idempotence in your playbooks. In plain English, that means they prevent unnecessary repetition of tasks, like restarting a service multiple times when it’s not needed. Think of handlers as the voice of reason in your playbook, stepping in and saying, “Hold on, let’s not do this again if we don’t have to!”

As the brilliant Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Handlers help keep your playbooks sane by making sure tasks are only executed when it’s absolutely necessary.

Using handlers for idempotence in Ansible offers several advantages:

  • Efficiency: Handlers execute tasks only when necessary, saving time and resources.
  • Idempotence: Handlers ensure tasks are executed only once, even if triggered multiple times.
  • Maintainability: Handlers simplify your playbooks by separating tasks and their corresponding actions.
  • Error handling: Handlers can be used to react to the outcome of tasks and handle errors gracefully.

Understanding Handlers in Ansible

Handlers are essentially special tasks in Ansible that are only triggered by other tasks when a specific condition is met. They’re like a secret agent, lying low until they receive the signal to spring into action.

For example, let’s say you have a playbook that installs a web server and updates its configuration file. You only want to restart the web server if the configuration file has actually changed. Here’s how you’d use a handler to accomplish this:

Here’s an example of using a handler in an Ansible playbook:

- name: Install and configure Apache
  hosts: webservers
    - name: Install Apache
        name: httpd
        state: present
      notify: restart apache

    - name: Deploy Apache configuration
        src: httpd.conf.j2
        dest: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
      notify: restart apache

    - name: restart apache
        name: httpd
        state: restarted

In this example, the “restart apache” handler is notified by two tasks: “Install Apache” and “Deploy Apache configuration”. The handler will restart the Apache service only if any of these tasks report a change.

Top Ansible Hacks for Working with Handlers

To maximize the effectiveness of handlers in Ansible, follow these Ansible tips and tricks:

  • Use tags with handlers: Apply tags to handlers to enable selective execution of handlers along with their associated tasks.
  • Force handler execution: Use the “–force-handlers” command-line option with “ansible-playbook” to ensure handlers are executed even if a task fails.
  • Handler precedence: If multiple handlers have the same name, Ansible will execute the first matching handler it encounters, allowing you to override handlers in roles or imported playbooks.
  • Notify multiple handlers: Use a list in the “notify” directive to trigger multiple handlers with a single task.
  • Handler delegation: Delegate handler execution to a specific host or group using the “delegate_to” keyword.

Interesting Facts About Handlers

Handlers are only executed at the end of a playbook or role, ensuring that all tasks have been executed before any handlers are run.

Handlers can also notify other handlers, creating a chain of handler executions.

Handlers can be used in conjunction with Ansible’s “listen” keyword to group multiple handlers under a single name, simplifying playbook management.

6. Use Loops to simplify your Playbooks

Loops are a powerful feature of Ansible that can help you simplify and streamline your playbooks. Loops allow you to iterate over lists of items and perform actions on each item. It can be extremely useful when you want to perform the same task on multiple servers or when you want to update a large number of files at once.

      - name: Deploy my application
        hosts: all
          - name: Install dependencies
            yum: name={{ item }} state=present
              - libxml2-devel
              - openssl-devel

Why Use Loops in Ansible Playbooks?

Using loops in Ansible playbooks offers several advantages:

  • Simplification: Loops help reduce redundancy and make your playbooks more readable and maintainable.
  • Scalability: Loops enable you to easily scale your automation tasks without having to modify your playbooks extensively.
  • Flexibility: Loops allow you to perform the same task on multiple items or iterate over data structures, adapting to different scenarios.

Types of Loops in Ansible

Ansible supports several types of loops, including:

  • with_items: Iterates over a list of items.
  • with_dict: Iterates over the keys and values of a dictionary.
  • with_fileglob: Iterates over files that match a specified pattern.
  • with_sequence: Iterates over a range of numbers.
  • loop: A more generic loop keyword that can be used with filters and plugins.

Examples: Utilizing Loops in Ansible Playbooks

Here are some examples of using loops in Ansible playbooks:

a. Using with_items to install multiple packages:

- name: Install multiple packages
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: present
    - vim
    - git
    - curl

b. Using with_dict to configure multiple users:

- name: Create users with specific attributes
    name: "{{ item.key }}"
    uid: "{{ item.value.uid }}"
    groups: "{{ item.value.groups }}"
      uid: 1001
      groups: sudo,users
      uid: 1002
      groups: users

c. Using with_fileglob to deploy multiple configuration files:

- name: Deploy multiple configuration files
    src: "{{ item }}"
    dest: /etc/my_app/{{ item | basename | regex_replace('\.j2$', '') }}
    - "templates/*.j2"

Top Ansible Hacks for Working with Loops

To maximize the effectiveness of loops in Ansible, follow these Ansible tips and tricks:

a. Use the loop keyword with filters and plugins: The loop keyword provides greater flexibility by allowing you to use filters and plugins to modify the loop behavior.

b. Loop control: Use the loop_control directive to customize loop execution, such as setting a custom loop variable or specifying a specific loop index.

c. Combining loops: Use nested loops or the with_nested keyword to perform tasks that require iterating over multiple data structures.

d. Loop optimization: Use the throttle and serial keywords to control the execution rate and parallelism of loop tasks.

7. Use Conditionals to Control the Flow of your Playbook

Conditionals are another powerful feature of Ansible that allows you greater control over the flow of your playbooks. Conditionals allow you to specify conditions under which certain tasks should be executed. It can be useful when you want to skip certain tasks based on the current state of your environment or when you want to run certain tasks only on specific hosts.

      - name: Ensure my application is running
        service: name=myapp state=started enabled=yes  
        when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"

Why Use Conditionals in Ansible Playbooks?

Using conditionals in Ansible playbooks offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility: Conditionals enable you to adapt your playbooks to different scenarios and requirements.
  • Efficiency: Conditionals allow you to execute tasks only when necessary, saving time and resources.
  • Maintainability: Conditionals help make your playbooks more readable and maintainable by keeping tasks organized and modular.

Types of Conditionals in Ansible

Ansible supports several types of conditionals, including:

  • when: Executes a task only if a specified condition is met.
  • failed_when: Specifies the conditions under which a task is considered to have failed.
  • changed_when: Specifies the conditions under which a task is considered to have changed.

Examples: Utilizing Conditionals in Ansible Playbooks

Here are some examples of using conditionals in Ansible playbooks:

a. Using when to execute tasks based on the target OS:

- name: Install package on CentOS
    name: my_package
    state: present
  when: "'CentOS' in ansible_distribution"

- name: Install package on Ubuntu
    name: my_package
    state: present
  when: "'Ubuntu' in ansible_distribution"

b. Using failed_when to control task failure conditions:

- name: Run custom script
  ansible.builtin.command: /opt/
  register: script_result
  failed_when: "'ERROR' in script_result.stdout"

c. Using changed_when to control task change conditions:

- name: Run database update
  ansible.builtin.command: /opt/
  register: update_result
  changed_when: "'UPDATED' in update_result.stdout"

Top Ansible Hacks for Working with Conditionals

To maximize the effectiveness of conditionals in Ansible, follow these Ansible tips and tricks:

a. Use Jinja2 expressions: Leverage the power of Jinja2 expressions to create complex conditional statements.

b. Combine multiple conditions: Use and, or, and not to combine multiple conditions in a single when statement.

c. Conditional import/include: Use the static and include_* keywords to conditionally import or include tasks, roles, or playbooks.

d. Use Ansible facts: Utilize Ansible facts and variables to create dynamic conditional statements based on target host information.

Interesting Facts About Conditionals

Conditionals can be used in conjunction with loops, handlers, and other Ansible features to create powerful and flexible automation tasks. You can use custom Jinja2 filters and tests to create even more advanced conditional statements.

Conditionals can be used with Ansible’s assert and fail modules to validate conditions and fail the playbook execution if specific requirements are not met.

By understanding and effectively utilizing conditionals in your Ansible playbooks, you can create automation tasks that are flexible, efficient, and maintainable. With the help of the Ansible tips and tricks, examples, and hacks shared in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to control the flow of your playbooks and adapt them to various scenarios, making you an even more proficient Ansible user.

8. Use tags to control what tasks are run.

One of the most valuable features of Ansible is the ability to control what tasks are run using tags. This can be helpful if you need to make changes to only a subset of your infrastructure or if you want to test changes on a small group of servers before rolling them out more broadly. To use tags, add the –tags flag followed by the name of the tag (or tags) you want to run to your ansible-playbook command. For example, if you only want to run tasks tagged with “deployment”, you would use the following command:

    ansible-playbook --tags deployment my_playbook.yml.

Why Use Tags in Ansible Playbooks?

Using tags in Ansible playbooks offers several advantages:

  • Selectivity: Tags allow you to run only specific tasks within your playbooks, saving time and resources.
  • Organization: Tags help keep your playbooks organized by grouping related tasks together.
  • Debugging: Tags can be used to isolate and test individual tasks or groups of tasks, making it easier to troubleshoot issues.

How to Use Tags in Ansible

To use tags in Ansible, follow these steps:

  • Assign tags to tasks: Add the tags keyword to tasks or roles you want to tag.
  • Run tasks with specific tags: Use the –tags or –skip-tags options when executing your playbook to include or exclude tasks with specific tags.

Examples: Utilizing Tags in Ansible Playbooks

Here are some examples of using tags in Ansible playbooks:

a. Assigning tags to tasks:

- name: Update package cache
    update_cache: yes
  tags: update

- name: Install packages
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: present
    - vim
    - git
  tags: install

b. Running tasks with specific tags:

# Run tasks with the 'update' tag
ansible-playbook my_playbook.yml --tags update

# Run tasks with the 'install' tag
ansible-playbook my_playbook.yml --tags install

# Run tasks without the 'install' tag
ansible-playbook my_playbook.yml --skip-tags install

Top Ansible Hacks for Working with Tags

To maximize the effectiveness of tags in Ansible, follow these Ansible tips and tricks:

a. Tag inheritance: Assign tags to include_* or import_* statements to apply them to all tasks within the included or imported tasks, roles, or playbooks.

b. Predefined tags: Use Ansible’s predefined tags, such as always, never, and untagged, to further control task execution.

c. Multiple tags: Assign multiple tags to a single task or use the –tags and –skip-tags options with multiple tags to create complex execution scenarios.

d. Tagging roles: Assign tags to entire roles by adding the tags keyword to the roles section of your playbook.

Interesting Facts About Tags

Tags are case-sensitive, so Install and install are considered different tags.

When using both –tags and –skip-tags, tasks will only be executed if they match the specified –tags and do not match any of the –skip-tags. You can use tags in combination with other Ansible features, such as conditionals, loops, and handlers, to create powerful and flexible automation tasks.

By understanding and effectively utilizing tags in your Ansible playbooks, you can create automation tasks that are selective, organized, and easier to debug. With the help of the Ansible tips and tricks, examples, and hacks shared in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to control which tasks are executed during a playbook run and adapt your playbooks to various scenarios, making you an even more proficient Ansible user. Embracing tags as part of your Ansible Secure practices can help you manage complex infrastructure and application deployments with greater ease and efficiency.

9. Use includes modularizing your playbooks

Ansible playbooks can become very long and complex very quickly. To keep your playbooks manageable, it’s a good idea to modularize them using includes. Includes allow you to break up a playbook into smaller parts that can be more easily managed. For example, you could have an include for each application that you’re installing on your server.

Why Use Includes in Ansible Playbooks?

Using includes in Ansible playbooks offers several advantages:

  • Modularity: Includes promote modularity by allowing you to break down complex playbooks into smaller, more manageable parts.
  • Reusability: Includes enable you to reuse common tasks or playbooks across multiple projects, reducing duplication and improving maintainability.
  • Readability: Includes help make your playbooks more readable and easier to understand by separating concerns and encapsulating functionality.

Types of Includes in Ansible

Ansible supports several types of includes:

  • include_tasks: Includes a list of tasks from an external file.
  • include_role: Includes a role within a playbook or tasks file.
  • import_playbook: Includes an entire playbook within another playbook.
  • import_tasks: Includes a list of tasks from an external file, similar to include_tasks, but with some differences in behavior.

Examples: Utilizing Includes in Ansible Playbooks

Here are some examples of using includes in Ansible playbooks:

a. Using include_tasks to include tasks from an external file:

- name: Setup web server
  hosts: webservers
    - include_tasks: tasks/install_packages.yml
    - include_tasks: tasks/configure_firewall.yml

b. Using include_role to include a role within a playbook:

- name: Deploy application
  hosts: app_servers
    - include_role:
        name: my_role

c. Using import_playbook to include an entire playbook within another playbook:

- import_playbook: playbooks/setup_database.yml
- import_playbook: playbooks/deploy_app.yml

d. Using import_tasks to include tasks from an external file:

- name: Setup monitoring
  hosts: monitoring_servers
    - import_tasks: tasks/install_monitoring_tools.yml
    - import_tasks: tasks/configure_alerting.yml

Top Ansible Hacks for Working with Includes

To maximize the effectiveness of includes in Ansible, follow these Ansible tips and tricks:

a. Dynamic includes: Use the loop keyword with include_* or import_* statements to dynamically include tasks or roles based on a list of items.

b. Conditional includes: Use the when keyword with include_* or import_* statements to conditionally include tasks, roles, or playbooks based on certain conditions.

c. Tag inheritance: Assign tags to include_* or import_* statements to apply them to all tasks within the included or imported tasks, roles, or playbooks.

d. Include variables: Pass variables to included tasks or roles using the vars keyword.

Interesting Facts About Includes:

  • The include_* statements are processed at runtime, while import_* statements are processed during parsing. This means that include_* statements can be used with loops and conditionals, while import_* statements cannot.
  • The use of include_* and import_* statements can impact variable precedence in your playbooks. Be mindful of the variable scope when using includes to ensure the expected values are used.
  • As of Ansible 2.4, include has been deprecated and replaced with the more specific include_tasks, include_role, and import_* statements for better clarity and functionality.
  • When using includes, it’s a good idea to use descriptive file names for included tasks or playbooks to enhance readability and maintainability.

By understanding and effectively utilizing includes in your Ansible playbooks, you can create automation tasks that are modular, reusable, and maintainable. With the help of the Ansible tips and tricks, examples, and hacks shared in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to break down complex playbooks into smaller, more manageable parts, and adapt your playbooks to various scenarios, making you an even more proficient Ansible user. Embracing includes as part of your Ansible Secure practices can help you manage complex infrastructure and application deployments with greater ease and efficiency.


These 9 hacks should save you time and make your life easier when working with Ansible.

Applying Ansible hacks in your daily workflows can make a big difference and help streamline your processes. Automation is critical in DevOps, and these tips can help speed up your workflows. Implementing even a few hacks can save you time and energy working with Ansible.

By leveraging the Ansible tips and tricks, hacks, and examples shared across these articles, you can master various aspects of Ansible and create automation tasks that are secure, efficient, and maintainable. Harness the power of Ansible Secure practices to manage complex infrastructure and application deployments with ease. Whether you’re working with loops, conditionals, includes, handlers, or tags, these advanced techniques will help you modularize your playbooks, control task execution, and maximize the effectiveness of your automation projects. By continuously refining your Ansible skills and embracing these best practices, you’ll become an even more proficient Ansible user and a valuable asset in the world of automation.

Do you have any other Ansible hacks that have made your life easier? Let me know in the comments below!

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