Dive deep into advanced asynchronous patterns in Node.js. This comprehensive guide covers the event loop in depth, including microtasks and macrotasks, timers and process methods like `setTimeout`, `setInterval`, and `process.nextTick()`, asynchronous iteration with `for await...of`, and practical examples for managing concurrency and building responsive applications.

Advanced Asynchronous Patterns in Node.js

  • Last Modified: 20 Sep, 2024

Enhance your Node.js skills by mastering advanced asynchronous patterns. This detailed guide covers the event loop, timers, process methods, asynchronous iteration, and practical examples for efficient and responsive applications.

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Hello again! In our journey through Node.js and JavaScript, we’ve explored various topics, including generators and iterators, functional programming concepts, and error handling. Now, it’s time to delve into advanced asynchronous patterns that are essential for building efficient and responsive applications.

In this chapter, we’ll explore:

  • The Event Loop in Depth:
    • Microtasks and macrotasks.
  • Timers and Process Methods:
    • Using setTimeout, setInterval, process.nextTick().
  • Asynchronous Iteration:
    • Using for await...of.
  • Practical Examples:
    • Managing concurrency.
    • Building responsive applications.

We’ll include detailed explanations, code examples with outputs, and explore both named and anonymous functions.

So, grab your favorite beverage, and let’s dive into the world of advanced asynchronous patterns!

The Event Loop in Depth

Understanding the Event Loop

What is the Event Loop?

The event loop is a fundamental concept in Node.js and JavaScript that handles asynchronous operations. It allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations by offloading tasks to the operating system whenever possible.

How Does the Event Loop Work?

The event loop continuously checks the call stack and callback queue to determine what should be executed next.

Phases of the Event Loop

The event loop has several phases:

  1. Timers: Executes callbacks scheduled by setTimeout() and setInterval().
  2. Pending Callbacks: Executes I/O callbacks deferred to the next loop iteration.
  3. Idle, Prepare: Internal use.
  4. Poll: Retrieves new I/O events.
  5. Check: Executes callbacks scheduled by setImmediate().
  6. Close Callbacks: Executes close events like socket.on('close').

Microtasks and Macrotasks

What are Macrotasks?

  • Macrotasks include events scheduled by setTimeout, setInterval, setImmediate, I/O callbacks, and more.
  • They are executed in the phases of the event loop.

What are Microtasks?

  • Microtasks include promises’ .then() callbacks, process.nextTick(), and other microtask queue operations.
  • The microtask queue is processed after the current operation and before the event loop continues.

Execution Order

  1. Current Operation: Executes the current code.
  2. Microtasks Queue: Processes all queued microtasks.
  3. Event Loop Phases: Moves to the next phase of the event loop.

Example: Execution Order


setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);

Promise.resolve().then(() => {

process.nextTick(() => {
  console.log('Next Tick');



Next Tick


  • console.log('Start') and console.log('End') execute immediately.
  • process.nextTick callbacks are processed after the current operation.
  • Promises’ .then() callbacks are microtasks and processed next.
  • setTimeout is a macrotask and executes in the timers phase.

Timers and Process Methods

Using setTimeout and setInterval


Schedules a function to execute after a specified delay.


setTimeout(callback, delay, [arg1, arg2, ...]);


setTimeout(() => {
  console.log('Executed after 1000ms');
}, 1000);


Repeatedly calls a function with a fixed time delay between each call.


setInterval(callback, delay, [arg1, arg2, ...]);


let count = 0;
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
  count += 1;
  console.log(`Interval executed ${count} times`);
  if (count === 5) {
}, 1000);


Interval executed 1 times
Interval executed 2 times
Interval executed 3 times
Interval executed 4 times
Interval executed 5 times


  • setInterval schedules the callback every 1000ms.
  • clearInterval stops the interval when count reaches 5.

Using process.nextTick()

What is process.nextTick()?

  • process.nextTick() schedules a callback function to be invoked in the next iteration of the event loop, before any additional I/O events are processed.
  • It’s part of the microtask queue.


console.log('Before nextTick');

process.nextTick(() => {
  console.log('Inside nextTick callback');

console.log('After nextTick');


Before nextTick
After nextTick
Inside nextTick callback


  • process.nextTick callbacks are executed after the current operation but before the event loop continues.

Difference Between setImmediate and process.nextTick

  • setImmediate() executes a callback on the next cycle of the event loop, after I/O events.
  • process.nextTick() executes a callback before the event loop continues, after the current operation.


setImmediate(() => {
  console.log('setImmediate callback');

process.nextTick(() => {
  console.log('process.nextTick callback');

console.log('Main code');


Main code
process.nextTick callback
setImmediate callback

Asynchronous Iteration

Using for await...of

What is Asynchronous Iteration?

Asynchronous iteration allows you to iterate over data sources that return promises, such as streams or async generators.


for await (const variable of iterable) {
  // Use variable

Example: Asynchronous Generator

async function* asyncGenerator() {
  for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    yield i;

(async () => {
  for await (const num of asyncGenerator()) {




  • async function* declares an asynchronous generator.
  • await inside the generator waits for a promise to resolve.
  • for await...of iterates over the async generator.

Practical Use Case: Reading Files Asynchronously

const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');

async function processFile(filePath) {
  const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);

  const rl = readline.createInterface({
    input: fileStream,
    crlfDelay: Infinity,

  for await (const line of rl) {
    console.log(`Line from file: ${line}`);



  • Reads a file line by line asynchronously.
  • for await...of consumes the async iterable rl.

Practical Examples

Managing Concurrency

Limiting Concurrent Operations

When performing multiple asynchronous operations, it’s important to limit the number of concurrent tasks to prevent overwhelming system resources.

Example: Concurrent API Requests with Limit

async function fetchWithLimit(urls, limit) {
  const results = [];
  const executing = [];

  for (const url of urls) {
    const p = fetch(url).then(res => res.json());

    if (limit <= urls.length) {
      const e = p.then(() => executing.splice(executing.indexOf(e), 1));
      if (executing.length >= limit) {
        await Promise.race(executing);

  return Promise.all(results);

const urls = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3', 'url4', 'url5'];

fetchWithLimit(urls, 2).then(data => {
  console.log('All data fetched:', data);


  • Concurrency Limit: Limits the number of concurrent fetch operations to 2.
  • Managing Promises: Uses Promise.race to await the fastest promise to resolve before starting a new one.

Building Responsive Applications

Non-Blocking Computations

Heavy computations can block the event loop, making the application unresponsive. To avoid this, you can use asynchronous patterns.

Example: Offloading Computations

function heavyComputation(data) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setImmediate(() => {
      // Simulate heavy computation
      let result = 0;
      for (let i = 0; i < 1e8; i++) {
        result += data * i;

async function processData() {
  console.log('Starting computation...');
  const result = await heavyComputation(5);
  console.log('Computation result:', result);

console.log('Application remains responsive.');


Starting computation...
Application remains responsive.
Computation result: 2.5e+16


  • setImmediate offloads the heavy computation to prevent blocking.
  • Application remains responsive while computation is in progress.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

Best Practices

  1. Understand the Event Loop: Knowing how the event loop works helps in writing efficient asynchronous code.
  2. Use Promises and async/await: Simplifies asynchronous code and error handling.
  3. Limit Concurrency: Control the number of concurrent operations to prevent resource exhaustion.
  4. Avoid Blocking the Event Loop: Offload heavy computations or use worker threads.
  5. Handle Errors Properly: Use try...catch blocks with async/await to handle errors in asynchronous code.

Common Pitfalls

  1. Blocking the Event Loop: Synchronous code that takes too long can block the event loop.
  2. Uncaught Promise Rejections: Failing to handle rejected promises can cause unexpected behavior.
  3. Misusing process.nextTick(): Overusing it can starve the I/O and timer phases.
  4. Race Conditions: Not managing concurrency can lead to unpredictable results.
  5. Memory Leaks: Unmanaged asynchronous operations may lead to memory leaks.


Advanced asynchronous patterns are essential for building efficient and responsive Node.js applications. By understanding the event loop in depth, using timers and process methods effectively, and leveraging asynchronous iteration, you can manage concurrency and build high-performance applications.

In this chapter, we’ve covered:

  • The Event Loop in Depth: Microtasks and macrotasks.
  • Timers and Process Methods: Using setTimeout, setInterval, process.nextTick().
  • Asynchronous Iteration: Using for await...of.
  • Practical Examples: Managing concurrency and building responsive applications.

In the next chapter, we’ll explore Design Patterns in Node.js, diving into common patterns that can help you write cleaner and more maintainable code.

Keep practicing, and happy coding!

Key Takeaways

  1. Event Loop Phases: Understanding the event loop helps in writing efficient asynchronous code.
  2. Microtasks vs. Macrotasks: Knowing their execution order is crucial for predicting code behavior.
  3. Timers and Process Methods: Tools like setTimeout, setInterval, and process.nextTick() allow scheduling code execution.
  4. Asynchronous Iteration: for await...of enables iterating over asynchronous data sources.
  5. Managing Concurrency: Limiting concurrent operations and avoiding blocking the event loop are key to responsive applications.


  1. What is the difference between process.nextTick() and setImmediate()?

    • process.nextTick() executes callbacks before the event loop continues, after the current operation.
    • setImmediate() executes callbacks on the next cycle of the event loop, after I/O events.
  2. How can I prevent blocking the event loop in Node.js?

    • Offload heavy computations using asynchronous patterns, worker threads, or external services.
    • Use setImmediate() or process.nextTick() to break up long-running tasks.
  3. What are microtasks and macrotasks in the event loop?

    • Microtasks: Include promises’ .then() callbacks and process.nextTick(). Executed after the current operation.
    • Macrotasks: Include callbacks from setTimeout, setInterval, and I/O operations. Executed in specific event loop phases.
  4. How do I handle errors in asynchronous code with async/await?

    • Use try...catch blocks around awaited functions to handle errors.
  5. Why should I limit the number of concurrent asynchronous operations?

    • To prevent overwhelming system resources, avoid rate limiting issues, and ensure application stability.

Image Credit

Image by Mohamed Hassan on Pixabay

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